Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Painful Past and A Destined Love: Chapter 4

Guigui ran down the stairs as fast as she could, not wanting to look back. Jiro ran right behind her, trying his best to not let her slip out of his sight.
"Guigui please top let me explain!" Jiro exclaimed running fast behind her down the many the stairs.
"Just leave me alone!" she shouted in anger, "I should have never trusted you, you are nothing but a player".
When Guigui reached the bottom of the stairs she ran towards the door but was stopped when someone was coming in which made Jiro catch up to her. He quickly held her hand before she could get away.
"What are you doing!" Guigui exclaimed as she struggled for him to let her go, "let go of my hand".
"No, I won't", Jiro exclaimed determined to hang on to her, "its to hard for me to let you go".
Guigui stopped struggling, turned to Jiro and gave him a smile.
"Its not hard at all, just open up your hand", she replied and then started struggling again, but Jiro was very determined.
Jiro couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled Guigui hand that he was already holding to pull her towards him and as she span around he connected his lips to hers. Guigui tried to fight him off, but calmed down as the kiss got more passionate. She slowly closed her eyes, his lips feeling soft and warm. She never wanted it to end.
After a minute, Jiro drew away from her face, still holding on to her, not wanting to take any chances.
"I don't know why, but I am very protective of her and I can't figure out why", he said with a serious expression as Guigui just starred at him, "when I saw that those guys was going to hurt you, I felt so much anger inside, I thought I was going to kill them".
"We have only met once and we didn't even talk", Guigui replied shaking her head and staring at the floor, "what your feeling for me will probably be gone by tomorrow".
Guigui felt so much pain when she said that, she knew that she was falling in love with him but it would never work out, it just couldn't.
"No, I have feelings for you and until I figure them out, I am never letting you go", Jiro said as he held Guigui's chin so that she could look into his eyes.
"But what about that girl?" Guigui asked.
"She is not important", Jiro replied holding Guigui face in his two hands, "come on up back and then I will take you home.
Guigui agreed and so followed Jiro back up the stairs. The two of them knew that it was going to be a tough road for them, trying to figure out if they belonged together or not. They both knew they were falling too fast and that there would probably be consequences that lied ahead.

Back at Guigui's grandmother's home.
"I can't believe she didn't come home last night", Guigui's mother said as she paced up and down the front of the house, "after I told her not to leave the company in the first place and then she is going to text me last night to tell me she wasn't coming home and it is already 12 in the afternoon".
"Honey calm down", gran said as she tried to calm down her daughter, "so when last have you seen the boys?"
Guigui's mother could see this was all apart of her mother's plan to just change the subject.
"Yeah, I have, they are really doing good in the music industry in Korea", Guigui's mother said calming down, "they are known as Big Bang right?".
Grandmother nodded with a smile happy that she got the subject changed. She never knew her granddaughter when she was growing up and regretted that so she decided to be there for her now and cover for her.
"They are coming to visit me you know", Grandmother continued with a smile.
"Really?" Guigui's mother turned and asked with excitement in her eyes, "I remember when we came to Taiwan with Guigui for the first time and they were here visiting you, they were really good friends with Guigui. If I remember correctly, Ji-Yong had a crush on her".
All of a sudden they both heard a knock at the door. Guigui's mother sprang up to open the door opening that it was Guigui and her grandmother followed hoping it was her favourite boys.
When they opened the door they were shocked to see Guigui with a young man.
"Don't tell me..." her mother started the sentence.
"That she spent the night with a boy", her grandmother finished it.
"Grandma, long time no see", Guigui said with a smile.
"Um, this is Jiro", Guigui said as she pointed towards the boy beside her, "he saved me last night from so guys that were chancing me".
Guigui's mother and gran had nothing to could say, he saved her life and for that they should be thankful towards him, plus he was handsome and they never could resist a handsome man. So they smiled to themselves with that thought in mind as Jiro and Guigui stood there a bit confused that they were not in their right minds.
"Um, I am going to go now, I will see you later", Jiro said as he kissed Guigui on the cheek and walked out of the yard.

(This part is in slow motion, lol, use your imagination)
Big Bang - Tell Me Goodbye starts to play
Jiro walked out, walking alongside the road, when he sees a big black van drive pass him. He looks back i curiosity and starts walking backward when he notices the van stopping at Guigui's gate. He stops to see who comes out, and then he sees the van door slide open and five guys came out.
The five guys came out with backpacks and continued to opening the gate.
Guigui, her mother and grandmother heard the sound of the gate opening and so Guigui turned around to see who was coming in, she saw the five boys walk in one at a time, the last one caught her attention and she caught his, the two just stood there staring at each other, Guigui confused. Thats when Guigui felt the pain hit her, her head felt as if it was going to split open, she held her head with her two hands and fell on her knees, the five boys came running towards her, Guigui's mother and grandmother bending down beside her trying to find out what was wrong.
"NO!!!!!" Guigui exclaimed before she fell unconscious in the arms of her mother.

Ok so I thought of adding Big Bang in this because
well they are my favourite band, they are all cute
and their songs are awesome. So tell me what you think of me adding
them in :)
I am going to work on adding more drama in the next
chapter so its going to twice as long and full of action.
I am going to try my best to make the next chapter great.